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"A True Heart Felt Book"
Christy Lynn Miller 

I really had no idea what 'Windsweeping' was about except what the description of the book said, yet I knew this was a story that I wanted to embrace. I am one that loves to read and figured this book would be an 'easy' read. I found out that it was not a book I 'read' yet it was a book I 'felt' as my eyes saw the words and my heart felt the story. For those that think they know about love and relationships, trust's simple yet it's not as society does not teach us the lessons that this book reveals. If you are one that wants to take that next step into having a life full of unconditional love with your spouse, your partner, your friends...even with strangers....embrace this book and listen....for when you come to the end, your life will have changed. It will have transformed your heart into a place filled of peace and warmth that you will be like me, sharing this book with everyone you speak to for I now, more than ever before speak from my heart to all that step into my path of my own journey. Thank you Michael for listening for you were able to share this with the world...and our world needs to Windsweep. 
"Finding the Way Back To Love"
Cynthia DeLillo

A wonderful book that teaches us the lessons of life which we should live by every day and apply not only to ourselves, but share with all we know. I have cherished this book from the moment I received it, and always will. The lessons it reaffirms in us, should be used on a daily basis and relationships would fare much better if we all lived by the words in this wonderfully insightful read. I couldn't wait to finish it and have marked several pages for their wonderful words which I intend to re-visit many times over. Just as fulfilling for women and men to read by themselves or to one another.....thank you Michael for giving us all such a gift! We need another Vette,! 
A MUST READ for Anyone Struggling With Relationships to Ultimately Find Their Way Back To Love!
Deborah K. Koeppel

Windsweeping is an enlightening story about a man's fabulous journey of learning the lessons of the five elements of love: listening, humility, patience, sacrifice and forgiveness and implementing them into his relationships. You will find yourself so immersed with this book that it becomes so much more than a fictional story about affirmations on how to love because it begins to awaken and rebirth within your own heart the soulful truth of what you have always known: living with and implementing the five elements of love on a daily basis is always the ultimate path as we journey through life! This book is a "must read" for anyone who may be struggling with relationships to ultimately find their way back to love! 
Windsweeping is magical....
Bonnie B. Matheson 

I sat down on Sunday to read the book, Windsweeping, you know, a few pages to see how I liked it....well, I read and I read and finally I needed to eat dinner, people came by, the phone rang....and I read and read until it was finished. All 300 pages devoured in one sitting more or less. And then I wanted to go back there.....especially the dream sequences....I still want to go back.....Great writing which lures you into a world we do not know but are so happy to believe in... Wonderful relationship lessons wrapped in tissue and barely noticed as they land squarely in your heart. They remain there in your heart and brain and dare I say "soul", after you have put the book down. 
Reviews for Windsweeping