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Reviews for Windsweeping
 Destined to become a Classic
Arleen P. Lonneker

A book much about love, I fell in love with this book. Contradictory to what the "subject" might suggest, however, it is anything but cloying or maudlin. After being artfully briefed through its foundational backdrop, one becomes so caught up in where this book is windsweeping him/her that each page becomes an unexpected engagement. Harris blends his real and surreal characters together so realistically and skillfully that the reader forgets they are not actual people--people about whom he/she cares deeply--inhabiting his/her own world. It is intense, riveting, mysterious and replete with surprise. With all the best qualities that bring the best of bestsellers acclaim, Windsweeping has an additional, major bonus: one cannot read this book without becoming a better person for having read/experienced it. I can see it becoming a classic. 
Simple, beautiful, and very life-changing

This book is just that, simple and subtle in its meaning, and yet powerful enough to inspire me to write a review about it! I really don't think that anyone, whether male or female, old or young, idealistic or cynical, could read this book without truly feeling like it touches them in a positive way. It is just so accessible and easy to relate to, even though it touches on subjects of deep emotion and meaning.

I was fortunate enough to have a chance encounter with the author of "Windsweeping" while checking him and his wife into a hotel where I work, and after seeing me deeply involved in a different novel I was reading at the time, he began to talk to me about his book. He also gave me a free copy and simply asked me to read it if I had the chance. I must admit that at first I was skeptical. Getting a book from a complete stranger, not even really knowing what the book was about, I put off reading it for months. Then one day I noticed it on my shelf and simply began reading it... and I couldn't put it down. Right off the bat, it took me by surprise by presenting me with a seemingly perfect married couple, then showing in subtle ways that they actually had very deep and real issues with themselves and each other. The novel went on to sink its teeth in me and allowed me to develop a genuine connection to its characters. They are real, they are sincere, and they are flawed, but the events that happen to them and the changes that take place in their lives filled me with inspiration and love.

The point is, despite my initial skepticism, this book changed my every day life. I hate to say a simple novel could do that, but I have read many, many books, and this one just stuck with me. It didn't simply tell a cute story or one that made me cry, it actually presented me with ideas I cannot ignore. Ideas about how we love one another, love ourselves, and how we actually show that love to others. The fact that the book is all from a male's perspective is even more important, because this is a story about human beings, not just men or women. In the end, we all just want to be loved, and reading "Windsweeping" has helped me see it just a little more clearly. 
​A MUST READ Great Job Michael
Mike Perez 

Excellent book took me awhile to read. As I was just busy busy busy & this book really makes u think about the important things in life that are worth working on & paying attn to. My only regret was not to of finish this book sooner.
A novel that is more like a self-help book on relationships

This is a wonderfully written novel that reads easily and has the feel of a self-help book on relationships. I am amazed that this was written by a man...perhaps the author should seriously consider offering seminars on love and relationships especially geared toward men, although nobody reading this book cannot be affected in a positive way.